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Welcome to my little shrine to the kingdom fungi.

A place to geek out about mushrooms and lichens - also a place to peddle my photos. Please have a look through my site, I've tried to add lots of the same resources that helped me get started in amateur mycology.

That said - I am a complete amateur, a citizen scientist I have no degree in science or mycology. I'm still (and will always be) learning about fungi. My favorite part of observing fungi and lichens is becoming intimately aware of whole other worlds. The first thing I learned was to see the little things. I learned to keep my gaze fixed on the ground, I looked closer, I lingered longer and before I knew it I was regularly laid prostrate on the ground in the pouring rain, staring at mushrooms just a centimter in height. Now my spare bedroom is home to a makeshift laboratory, and I run a little mycology club for my area.

If you like what you see please leave me a comment below, I am always eager to chat with like-minded folks about topics I cover here.

Some of my photos (see my photography pages for full sized images):

I am not an authority on mushrooms, just an enthusiast!

Please don't use any of my content as proof of ID. I'm an amateur at best and you should always be 110% positive of an ID before eating any mushroom you find in your travels.

Feel free to leave me a comment below :)

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